"That's probably the biggest thing is they look natural. He smiles more and he does not complain that they hurt. It's definitely worth it. You can't put a price on that" - Jedidiah's Mom
10–15-minute preshow call. This is an introductory/warm-up call.
30-minute recorded conversation (the Sprig Podcast)
A prepared agenda will be given to you ahead of time from host Dr. Jarod Johnson.
This podcast is not live and can always be edited, taking some of the pressure off you, the guest.
You also have an option to write an accompanying blog post using our blog template. If you would prefer, our Digital Media Specialist will write it for you. We’ll write one for you based off the recorded podcast.
You will also be on approval team for final version of both blog and podcast, giving you complete control over the final version of the podcast and accompanying blog post.
What’s in it for you (the guest)
Backlinks to your website (Improves SEO for you and your product/practice)
Exposure for you and your product/practice (podcast, blog and social media)